måndag 21 maj 2018

Intensive lifestyle change.

Harvad Medical School, USA, skriver om livsstil och att det krävs kunskap och handling för att lyckas. Just nu avslutar mina elever ett treveckorsarbete om ”Positiv livsstil”. Varenda elev ska gå vidare i livet med kunskap om vad som begränsar hens hälsa och välmående. Inga pekpinnar. Inga överdrifter. Inga negativa tankar. Utan mycket morot, lust, handling och positiva tankar. 
Från Harvard: The overall message for physicians is this: an intensive lifestyle change program won’t work if it’s just “ordered” by docs, or if patients are expected to engage with it based on threats and warnings. During the course I learned the importance of avoiding guilt, shame, and scare tactics, and getting away from labels such as “good” or “bad.” Any lifestyle change has to be meaningful and pleasurable. If it’s meaningful and pleasurable, people will do it. For these changes to be most effective, people have to want to continue them for the rest of their lives. The physician’s job is to act as a coach for the patient, encouraging and guiding their efforts, without judgment. Läs mer här.