söndag 21 maj 2017

The underappreciated health benefits of beeing a weekend warrior

Är du en "weekend warrior"? Har du inte tid att träna på varadagarna men tar igen det genom att träna hårt på helgerna? En ny studie visar att fet faktiskt kan löna sig! 

"Despite the injuries commonly associated with the weekend warrior, a new study finds that weekend warriors may be on to something. As published in JAMA Internal Medicine, weekend warriors who met recommended exercise guidelines (including those who exercised just once or twice a week but did so vigorously for at least 75 minutes, or at moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes) had a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer, or other causes." "The most important conclusion of this study is that inactivity is way too common and being active is what matters, not how often you exercise each week."