måndag 13 april 2020

April 2020: Ny svensk studie visar att 57% av pojkar och 77% av flickorna rör på sig för lite!

En ny svensk studie bekräftar tidigare studier som visat att ungdomar inte når de nationella rekommendationerna för daglig rörelse. Trenden av stillasittande och inaktivitet håller i sig. Precis som tidigare är det tonårsflickorna som rör på sig minst. 

Results: A total of 3477 adolescents participated in the study, and 2419 (73%) had at least 3 days of valid accelerometer data. The results showed that 43% of boys and 23% of girls reached the recommendation of 60 minutes of daily moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity. Boys were more physically active than girls in all age groups. Girls with high socioeconomic status were more physically active than girls with low socioeconomic status (P < .001), and this difference was not found in boys.

Conclusion: The majority of Swedish adolescents did not reach the physical activity recommendation, and boys were more active than girls. Effective strategies to increase physical activity, especially among girls with low socioeconomic status, are urgently needed.

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