torsdag 24 november 2016

British Journal of Sports Medicine. Tunga slutsatser.

  • Detta tål att upprepas. En av de mest ansedda tidskrifterna i världen publicerade konsensuskonferensens resultat. 24 kända forskare från 8 länder sammanfattar vad som är vetenskapligt bevisat.
    "Physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness are beneficial to brain structure, brain function and cognition in children and youth. 
    Physical activity before, during and after school promotes scholastic performance in children and youth.
    A single session of moderate physical activity has an acute benefit to brain function, cognition and scholastic performance in children and youth. Mastery of fundamental movement skills is beneficial to cognitionq and scholastic performance in children and youth. 
    Time taken away from academic lessons in favour of physical activity has been shown to not come at the cost of scholastic performance in children and youth".
    Läs en bra sammanfattning här.