onsdag 22 november 2017

High-intensity exercise improves memory, study finds.

Kan pulsträning påverka minnet?
En ny uppmärksammad forskningsrapport visar att 20-minuters högintensiv träning kan förbättra minnet! Spännande!!
”Scientists have found that six weeks of intense exercise-;short bouts of interval training over the course of 20 minutes-;showed significant improvements in what is known as high-interference memory, which, for example, allows us to distinguish our car from another of the same make and model. The study is published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The findings are important because memory performance of the study participants, who were all healthy young adults, increased over a relatively short period of time, say researchers. They also found that participants who experienced greater fitness gains also experienced greater increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports the growth, function and survival of brain cells.”
Läs ett bra reportage här.