torsdag 8 december 2016

Ny svensk studie om stress.

En ny studie, som publicerats i the journal of Medicine and Sciene in Sports and Exercise, bevisar man att det är bra att motionera och träna om man är stressad. Det är rena hälsokuren för kroppen och hjärnan.
"Thus, although exercise might be a good medicine against stress, it will only have an impact if ‘the pill’ is taken.” 

"Researchers found that the people who were more stressed had higher levels of risk factors for heart disease. But the people who were more fit were less likely to have these risk factors. That mean people with high stress levels had higher levels of unhealthy cholesterol compared to stressed people who were more fit. Exercise may act as a buffer against some of the health risk factors that are known to be caused by too much stress, the authors argue. Since the people in the study were asked about their stress levels in general, and not work stress alone, the study also speaks to exercise’s ability to combat the overall effects of stress."