fredag 27 april 2018

Gratis webinarium med Paul Kelly.

Jag träffade Dr Paul Kelly i Helsingborg för ett par år sedan angående Puls+, later schoolstarts, sömn, spaced learning mm. Om du är intresserad av att lyssna när han pratar om fysisk aktivitet och inaktivitet, så får du en möjlighet den 2 maj. Gå in på The British Association of Sport and Exercise Science.
BASES webinar: Should we reframe how we think about physical activity and sedentary behaviour measurement. Wednesday 2 May 2018. 15:00 - 16:00 BST
Learning Outcomes of the Webinar:
After the webinar, participants will be able to:
Appreciate the difference and similarities of validity and reliability
Explain why miss-use of these terms has been detrimental to the evidence base
Consider better use of these terms, for better evidence generation
Presenter profile:
Dr Paul Kelly - Paul has been a lecturer in Physical Activity for Health at the University of Edinburgh since September 2014. He is based at the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre (PAHRC) led by Professor Nanette Mutrie MBE and teaches on Physical Activity and Health, Applied Sports Science, Physical Education, Exercise Medicine, and Medical degrees. Paul's primary research focus is the measurement of physical activity and he is interested in the measurement properties of different methods, and how this influences our understanding of behaviour and its outcomes. Paul previously worked at the University of Oxford, where he completed a PhD (2010-2013) in using wearable cameras to measure active travel.