onsdag 31 maj 2017

Exercise Is ADHD Medication.

Världen har blivit inaktiv och stillasittande. Psykisk ohälsa, övervikt, ohälsa, ADHD mm ökar.
Läs en bra artikel, som tar med viktigt forskning.
"Physical movement improves mental focus, memory, and cognitive flexibility; new research shows just how critical it is to academic performance."
"John Ratey, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard, suggests that people think of exercise as medication for ADHD. Even very light physical activity improves mood and cognitive performance by triggering the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, similar to the way that stimulant medications like Adderall do.
In a 2012 TED talk, Ratey argued that physical exercise "is really for our brains." He likened it to taking "a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin." As a rule, I say never trust anyone who has given a TED talk. But maybe in this case that's a constructive way to think about moving one's body. But not the inverse, where taking Ritalin counts as exercise." Ingen kan väl ha missat att Puls+ kopplar fysisk aktivitet mot koncentration och selektiv uppmärksamhet. Mentalt fokus är prioriterat!